art therapy life ceramics

Art and Soul:

Empowering women through artistic expression

A transformational program for women

ART and SOUL uses art to explore various emotional topics in the safe company of other women. This program works with your creativity to make meaningful art at home with easy-to-use clay.

Art and Soul is about:

  • Artistic expression

  • Emotional exploration

  • Communing with women

Think womens’ circle meets art class.

In this program, we will:

  • Create a safe space for women to be supported by other women.

  • Use clay for self-discovery and self-expression.

  • Learn unique ways to decorate personal & meaningful pieces of ceramic art.

  • Tap into our creative power and express emotions through our art.

  • Explore, process and share feelings on topics related to the female experience.

  • Learn how to work with clay using our hands and simple tools.

What People Are Saying

"Art and Soul’s embodied practice provides an opportunity to connect into divine feminine power and energy through meditation and body practices that transform into a source of creative metaphor and expression. I loved finding and feeling into the inner power and edges of my pelvic bowl, imagining its form and perfect imperfections, and then crafting and shaping a bowl that I could hold close to my heart or cradle in my hands. The session left me feeling a renewed sense of inner strength, connection, and rejuvenation!"

— Althea M.D.


"I initially signed up for Zoë’s 'ART and SOUL: A transformational program for women' to combine my love of art and creativity while connecting with other women. Well, what I got from this program was so much more than just this! Zoe has a unique, natural, and powerful ability to provide a safe and sacred space for women to comfortably express their emotions, connect to their feminine energy, and transform that energy into art through clay. After each class, I felt grounded, calm, safe, and connected. It was a beautiful and emotional experience that I am so grateful to have had!"

— Carolyn K.

“Zoë's ART and SOUL class was the best thing I did for myself in 2021! I expected to have a creative space to make some art and express myself, but I got so much more. Zoë is a masterful teacher who guided us to connect with parts of myself that I had buried- or didn't even know existed- and begin to heal deep-seated wounds. I absolutely loved connecting with the other women in the class, too! Creating the actual art was therapeutic and I learned that it didn't matter how imperfect my pieces were, what really mattered was the journey they represent. I would (and do) recommend ART and SOUL to every woman I know. Thank you, Zoë!

— Brett C.


I feel that the biggest take-away that I will have from this course is the deepening of my ability to be with and talk to other women. I now have a really rich experience in a healing space with other women where I felt heard and valued and touched without any expectation or judgement. That is worth so much to me. I can integrate that experience into my life on a daily basis. I can claim my voice and claim my space and feel confident that there is someone out there who really understands— she may be even closer than I imagine— maybe a woman who I had been avoiding for fear of rejection— I bet we have a lot in common, actually.

— Maddy S.

ART and SOUL is a 7-week online program that meets once a week for 90 minutes

You do not need special materials, a kiln, or a wheel. We will use oven-baked clay and tools that are affordable and accessible. A materials list will be provided.  

Contact me for the most current schedule!

No experience, skills, or “talent” necessary. Process over product!

This program is not about creating beautiful art (although we will!) or developing artistic skills. It is about the power of women together, using our creativity to uncover deeper selves.

Ready to get started? Use the link below to set up your initial 30-minute discovery call!